
Version 2.0.0 has a very easy to understand config.
Background Image: True/False < Color or image as background
Background Color RGBA: "0 0 0 1" < BG Color if ^ is set to false (RGBA examples at bottom)
Background Image URL : << URL Of Background image if ^ is true
Font Size << Size of font... duh
Message Text: The message that will be displayed.
Display on every connection: True/False << Display the message on first connection only or every connection.
Disagree Kick Reason << If you disagree to the rules you get kicked from the server and the this will be displayed as the reason why
rulesgui.usecmd 需要使用 /rulesto 命令
/rules 将在屏幕上显示规则
/rulesto “NameOrID” 将在玩家屏幕上显示规则。
sendrules “PlayerName/ID” 将规则显示给选定的玩家
这个插件的设置和选项可以在oxide/config目录下的RulesGUI.json文件中配置。建议使用 JSON 编辑器或验证站点(例如以避免格式问题和语法错误。
"Background Image true/false": true,
"Background Color RGBA": "0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7",
"Background Image URL": "",
"Text Font Size": 22,
"Message text": "<color=#00FFFF>Welcome!</color> <color=#ff0000>The following in-game activities are prohibited in the Game:</color>\n\n<color=#FFFF00>1.</color> Use of bots, use of third-party software, bugs.\n\n<color=#FFFF00>2.</color> Pretending to be a member of Administration.\n\n<color=#FFFF00>3.</color> Fraud, other dishonest actions.\n\n<color=#FFFF00>4.</color> Flooding, flaming, spam, printing in capital letters (CAPS LOCK).\n\n<color=#FFFF00>5.</color> Creating obstructions for other users, Greifing and bullying\n\n<color=#FFFF00>6.</color> Advertisement, political propaganda.\n\n<color=#ff0000>7. Racism! </color>\n\n<color=#0000FF>8. Failure to comply will land you in prison, continuing to break rules will land you a Ban!</color>",
"Display on every connection true/false": true,
"Disagree Kick Reason": "You disagreed with the rules!"
- 黑色纯黑色。RGBA 为 (0 0 0 1)。
- 蓝色纯蓝色。RGBA 为 (0 0 1 1)。
- clear 完全透明。RGBA 为 (0 0 0 0)。
- 青色青色。RGBA 为 (0 1 1 1)。
- 灰色灰色。RGBA 为 (0.5 0.5 0.5 1)。
- 绿色纯绿色。RGBA 是 (0 1 0 1)。
- gray 灰色的英文拼写。RGBA 相同(0.5 0.5 0.5 1)。
- 洋红色洋红色。RGBA 是 (1 0 1 1)。
- 红色纯红色。RGBA 是 (1 0 0 1)。
- 白色纯白色。RGBA 是 (1 1 1 1)。
最后一位数字指示 Alpha 通道…所以对于不透明的外观选择低于 1 的值,例如 0.7
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