
权限该插件使用权限系统。要分配权限,请使用oxide.grant . 要删除权限,请使用oxide.revoke .
quicksmelt.use– 将配置应用到该玩家的熔炉。
"Use Permission": true,
"Speed Multipliers": {
"global": 1.0,
"furnace.shortname": 1.0
"Fuel Usage Speed Multipliers": {
"global": 1.0,
"furnace.shortname": 1.0
"Fuel Usage Multipliers": {
"global": 1,
"furnace.shortname": 1
"Output Multipliers": {
"global": {
"global": 1.0
"furnace.shortname": {
"item.shortname": 1.0
"Whitelist": {
"global": [
"furnace.shortname": [
"Blacklist": {
"global": [
"furnace.shortname": [
"Smelting Frequencies (Smelt items every N smelting ticks)": {
"global": 1,
"furnace.shortname": 1
"Debug": false
Use Permission – Whether to use the permission.
Speed Multipliers – Changes how frequently the furnace cooks stuff inside, processes the items.
Fuel Usage Speed Multipliers – How fast fuel is consumed.
Fuel Usage Multiplier – Fuel consumption multiplier.
Output Multipliers – Output multipliers.
Whitelist and Blacklist – Items which can(not) be smelted (INPUT, not OUTPUT). Use it to cook food in furnaces and smelt ores in campfires.
Smelting Frequencies – Smelt items only every (N) smelting ticks. Increase the value to make it slower and produce less.
Replace all furnace.shortname
with the shortname of the entity, e.g.: furnace, furnace.large, campfire. Use global
to apply the setting to all entities.